Pneumatic Actuators
The UniTorq "M" Series rack and pinion pneumatic actuators offer the industry's broadest line of pneumatic industrial valve and damper actuators on the market. They are manufactured in 90º, 120º, 135º, 180º, 240º and 270º rotation, and there are 16 sizes to choose from.
Double acting pneumatic actuators start at 100 in. lbs. and go up to 37,200 in. lbs. of output torque at 80 PSI. Fail-safe, spring return models have output torques of 17 to 15,600 in. lbs. All units will operate from -10ºF to 195ºF and from 20 PSIG to 150 PSIG input pressure. Optional high and low temp seals and bearings are available on all sizes.
All UniTorq rack and pinion pneumatic actuators can be easily and safely field converted from double acting configuration to fail-safe spring return configuration by inserting the correct number of patented spring cartridges to the double acting unit. This eliminates bulky housing extensions, saving weight and space. Specially designed, preloaded self-contained spring cartridges are completely contained before end cap screws release, ensuring for the safest installation and removal in the industry.