Electric Process Heaters
Pre-engineered and custom electric process heater designs are available from 2 to 60 watts per square inch, and in capacities of 10 kW to 3MW or higher. Circulation heaters, control systems, and complete skid mounted process heating systems are available.
Electric Process Heaters
Sigma Thermal offers standard and custom-engineered electric immersion and electric circulation heaters and controls.
Electric process heaters are used in many industrial process applications to heat liquids and gases. Sigma Thermal Immersion and Circulation electric heaters typically range from 2 to 60 watts per square inch. These heaters are designed and engineered for versatility and are capable of meeting most applications and site requirements.
Sigma Thermal’s electric process heaters are manufactured to the highest quality standards and they are designed to meet ASME Section VIII Div I, CRN and PED. Whether shipped loose or packaged as a skid, Sigma Thermal can provide a complete solution for your application.