Posted in Uncategorised, on July 07, 2014 By Admin
Most industries that rely on compressed gas for motion incorporate one or two valve assemblies in their operation. Even the automobile industry heavily relies on these devices in the operation of internal combustion engines. Most people have the question: what makes up a valve assembly? The answer is quite simple. A valve assembly is made up of a valve casing and a gas control mechanism. The gas may be in form of water vapor or pure air. Gas control mechanisms vary from one machine to another. In some machines, the mechanism is quite simple while in others it is extremely complex. The vehicle engine is an example of simple mechanism that incorporates a valve system.
Valve assemblies usually depend on actuators for operation. The actuators may be either manual or automated. Manual ones are linked directly to the assembly while automated ones rely on external means for motion. External sources of motion may include mortars, hydraulic systems, pneumatic units and solenoid mortars among others. They are usually fixed to the valve casing and are considered as part of the assembly. Actuators operate in two modes. They can be either linear or circular depending on their application.
Mechanical actuators usually require linkage kits to connect them to the valve body. Linkage kits come in different styles that are meant for different actuator designs. Most suppliers usually give detailed instructions on proper installation of linkage kits. Valve assemblies are considered complete when a valve body, actuator and linkage kits are included in the supply. However, most people order these parts separately and use them to make interesting combinations. This is especially common when one wishes to come up with a combination that is not among the standard ones. Valve bodies come in different styles and sizes. Large bodies can be used for heavy industrial applications while smaller ones are most suitable for light operations.